Cumin Seed has a slightly sweet, warming and aromatic flavour. Use generously.
Cumin was used by the Romans in place of Pepper. It was also ground to a paste and spread on bread. Cumin is said to keep lovers faithful and was often used in love potions. It has been used as a condiment in England since the 13th century and was a taxable import into London from 1419.
Cumin Seed should be even sized and yellowish-brown with a strong, earthy aroma when ground. It should be carefully cleaned and sorted to remove extraneous matter. Cuminaldehyde is the principal flavour - giving volatile oil.
Lightly toast or dry fry the seeds to enhance the flavour and aroma. Sprinkle over salads, coleslaws and vegetables or add to relishes and chutneys. Cumin is great for flavouring dishes using dried beans and pulses. Delicious in curries and a key ingredient in chilli con carne.